Author: Ashutosh
Replit, formerly, is a San Francisco based start-up and an online IDE (integrated development environment) supporting 40 programming languages, including Python, Lua, JavaScript, Julia, C++, C++11, C, C#, HTML/CSS/JS, Python with turtle and LOLCODE. Replit allows users to write code and build apps using a browser, without having to install any software on their devices.
Author: Deivid
Discord.js is a powerful node.js module that allows you to interact with the Discord API very easily.
Google's Coding Competitions
Author: Palskie
Google's Coding Competitions (Code Jam, Hash Code, and Kick Start) enthrall, challenge, and test coders around the world. Try your hand at one, or all three.
Author: RisingSunLight
Patreon is the best place for creators to build memberships by providing exclusive access to their work and a deeper connection with their communities.
Google Colab
Author: theusaf
Colab, or "Colaboratory", allows you to write and execute Python in your browser, with zero configuration required, access to GPUs free of charge, and easy sharing