Author: N0chteil ^^
Apple Inc. is an American multinational company that aims to design and market consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers.
Author: joerkig is bringing to life the science-fiction dream of open-ended conversations and collaborations with computers.
Author: Bas950
Online shopping for the latest electronics, fashion, phone accessories, computer electronics, toys, home&garden, home appliances, tools, home improvement and more.
Archive of Our Own
Author: Amalia
On Archive of Our Own (AO3), users can make profiles, create works and other Content, post comments, give Kudos, create Collections and Bookmarks.
GitHub Codespaces
Author: Snazzah
Contribute to projects without complicating your local setup. Spin up dev environments with a click — even for projects you haven't worked on before — and switch between them with ease.
Microsoft 365
Author: Kyrie
Microsoft 365 is a product family of productivity software, collaboration and cloud-based services owned by Microsoft.