Author: Hans5958
Wikivoyage aims to create the world's largest free, complete and up-to-date worldwide travel guide.
HTB Academy
Author: firstoften
HTB Academy is a goldmine of learning opportunities, featuring numerous modules that cover various tools, methodologies, and all aspects of cybersecurity.
Los Angeles Times
Author: N0chteil ^^
The Los Angeles Times is a daily newspaper that started publishing in Los Angeles in 1881 and is now based in the adjacent suburb of El Segundo. It has the fifth-largest circulation in the U.S. and is the largest American newspaper not headquartered on the East Coast.
Rate My Professors
Author: theusaf
With over 1.3 million professors, 7,000 schools & 15 million ratings, Rate My Professors is the best professor ratings source based on student feedback. Find & rate your professors or school! #LeaveYourMark